First stab at writing by someone who thinks that writing is probably Good For You and wants to give it a go.
I want to stay anonymous for now, so if you know me personally, please act accordingly. If you don’t, but have figured out who I am, congrats! If you tell me how you did it, you can be sure of my eternal gratitude and I’ll probably send some sort of Amazon voucher your way (although I reserve the right not to, etc., etc., please dont sue me). Unfortunately I can’t afford a real bug bounty at the moment.
None. I run this site out-of-pocket, nobody is paying me to write anything. All links are free of monetization and tracking. If they’re not, that’s a bug. Please tell me about it.
I don’t record or process anything beyond what is necessary to serve this site (your IP address, user agent, and anything else your browser chooses to send my way). This information I retain only as long as is necessary for serving this site (i.e. at most a couple of seconds).
However, this site is hosted by AWS. Now, my (totally non-legally binding) understanding is that they don’t do anything beyond what I’ve described above, but I invite you to study their privacy policies yourself. If you know more than me, please tell me.